Westview Baptist Church
Saturday, February 08, 2025
Enter to Worship, Depart to Serve
Just for You...Mission Work in the PhilippinesThings to Come:July 29th: 7:00 PM - Night of Worship - You are invited to join us for a night of worship where we will spend time praising God through music, intentional prayer for the future, and scripture reading. Mike Williams will be our guest worship leader for this special night.
Today's Date IsVerse of the Week!
Welcome to Westview Baptist Church!Thank you for taking the time to browse through our website. We hope that this website is informative and answers any questions you may have about who we are, what we do, and what we believe. If, however, after you have searched through these pages, you still have questions or just want to find out more about us please feel free to contact us. If you live in the Kingston Springs area and are looking for a church to attend, we invite you to come check us out in person.
Something New WESTVIEW!!!You May Now Give Online!https://westviewbc.churchcenter.com/givingPrayer OpportunitiesThe Family of John Boone; Beverly Troyer; Edward Keith; Belinda McCutchen; Rollene Casey & Family; Teacher for Emma; Rebecca Hill; Our pastor and his family ~ Joseph & Landon Glorioso; Funding for Kenya School; Future of Westview; Unspoken Request; Our Mission Partners
Submit a Prayer RequestPRAY FOR OUR LEADERSI Timothy 2:1-2 - I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
Link to Westview Baptist Church ConstitutionLinks To Other Websites:Alliance for Freedom, Restoration, and JusticeNational Center for Missing & Exploited Children (1-800-843-5678)National Hotline for Trafficked Children (1-888-373-7888)The Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of LawLighthouse Christian CampSouthern Baptist ConventionTennessee Baptist ConventionNashville Baptist AssociationInternational Mission Board of the SBCNorth American Mission Board of the SBC |